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Vintage Perfume Bottles



CO2 emissions.

Leaves Cartridges.png
CO2 Graph ml UPDATED.png
Bottle vs Cartridge gr.png

1 / 175ml Plastic cartridge vs 75ml Perfume bottle CO2 emissions

This graph shows a comparison of the C02 emissions of the production and transport of a Polypropylene cartridge and a perfume bottle*. We can see there is a reduction of around 90% of the CO2 emissions. We must consider that with one cartridge we are able to refill more than one bottle.


*We consider as a Perfume bottle the assembly of: Glass bottle, Pump, Aluminum collar & Cap with plastic and zamak.

2 / Grams of CO2 per mililiter. PP cartridge VS Bottle

This graph shows the comparison of the related CO2 emission for each mililiter.

When we were developing the perfume cartridge, we wanted to reduce to the minimum the CO2 emissions that are produced during production and transport. 

We saw that Polypropylene suits better for a container purpose.


We arrived to that conclusion by comparing the plastic cartridge with an average perfume bottle.


From 1st September 2022

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